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Work Samples
TV + Video. Radio. Text
It's Capitalism, stupid
Complaints about high food prices are heard again and again during the US election campaign. But many people still seem to have enough money for absurd Trump merchandise. Baker Kathleen Lochel is making a huge business out of it. She is one of the voters we met in Pennsylvanian before the US election.
3sat / Nano
The Northstream Explosions: An Eco Disaster?
Thousands of tons of gas escaped when the Northstream pipelines exploded in September. Bad for the climate - and also for the Baltic Sea, because the pipelines lie in contaminated mud. Even old chemical weapons are stored on the seabed near the explosion site. (Author / Producer)
ZDF / Dunja Hayali
Following Dunja Hayali at the Anti-Lockdown Protest
At a demonstration in Berlin, around 20,000 anti-maskers and conspiracy theorists protested against the German government's Covid-19 regulations. TV host Dunja Hayali spoke to people on the spot. After several attacks we had to stop shooting.
The Truth About ... Touching
Katrin is deaf-blind. She forms her environment by touching things. Michaela Maria Arnold is doing research on the effect of massages to depressive people. I visited both for the show "The Truth about ... Touching". Once again this was a cooperation with LABO M for RBB TV.
3sat / Kulturzeit
VP01 -The Story of Germany's Most Important Spy
He lived among pushers, killers, islamists to inform the police about their crimes. One day he met Anis Amri who murdered 12 people on at a christmas market in Berlin. He warned the police weeks beofre the attack, but they did not listen. (Writer / Producer)
3sat / Kulturzeit
The Artist Collective Ruangrupa
The Indonesian artist collective Ruangrupa will curate the documenta 15. The exhibition is considered one of the most important of contemporary art in the world. We met Ruangrupa in Jakarta.
(Writer, Videographer, Producer)
Tree Houses Againt Brown Coal Mining
Climate activists occupied trees in the German Hambach forest to protest against coal-based power generation. What drives them and how do they live?
(Writer / 2nd Cam)
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